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Food Business

Point of Sale

Point of Sal

Pay as you Order


Take your customer order and print a receipt with just simple steps. 

Ordering Station


Take customer order and punch it your ordering station for food processing. Order will automatically print on your kitchen for preparation.

Table Management


Take your customer orders and assign a table no. for serving purposes and view their order on spot. Process their order and issue a receipt.

Accept Multiple Payment


Received amount based on your customer payment mode. Transact and accept multiple payment in one transaction.

Accept Deposit Payment

for Reservation


Process customer reservation and receive advance partial payment as deposit.

Simple and Elegant Touchscreen Capability


Enjoy user friendly touchscreen interface with ease. Easy to understand button that makes user render fast customer service.

View Audit Trail


Check and audit your POS user on how they use the system. It records every click of the user.

Apply Senior Citizen Discount with Headcount


Count customer and identify how many senior citizen in the table or on a fast phase order.

Store Back-Office

Generate Sales and Inventory Reports


Browse lot of available useful reports. Assign report to specific user.

Transfer and Received Stocks


Transfer stocks from your store to another location. Vice versa received stocks from other location. 

Perform Physical Count


Check your actual product count versus your system on-hand. Verify if it the same quantity and check the movement if it truly the count.

Track Inventory


Check each movement of your product. Get all the details you need to identify how your product move in your store. It has a built-in stock-card where it give you product movement details.

Create Order to Supplier


Send order to your suppliers. Create Purchase Order manually or automatically by the use of stocking level or based on your sales movements.

Create Unlimited Menu's


Create unlimited new product and group it as a your menu. 


Dictate all stores


Create your new product, new prices and other product information to automatically update all stores. Even create user and assign to a particular store.

View all store performance


Check what store make more sales and see who's not performing.

Schedule Pricing Update


Set your new product price for all branches and assign the effectivity date.

Received / Process Store Stock Request


Create stock request from other location like warehouse and be notify if your stock request is already in process or in transit.

Received Consolidates Store Sales and Inventory


Get all sales and inventory across all branches and see your store performance in one location.

Assign Store User Security


Create user restriction and assign which function they can perform on each user level.

Monitor Inventory Transfers


Check if store already receive the goods from supplier or from other store. Check if they already posted new inventory.

Create Store Purchase Order


Received store Purchase Order and have your head-office approval before proceeding.

How it works?

Point Of Sale System


Back-Office System



Retail Store


Department Stores



Shoe Stores

Furniture Store

Food Store

Fast / Casual

Fine Dining




Cafe Shop / Tea House


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